Plant Finder Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 1 to 10 of 177 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page * Indicates "special order" plant 1 Add To MyWish List Fire Spinner Ice Plant * Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' Plant Type: perennial Height: 2 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun Low growing carpet-like, succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; dazzling orange-red daisy-like... 2 Add To MyWish List Jewel Of Desert Garnet Ice Plant * Delosperma 'Jewel Of Desert Garnet' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 3 inches Flower Height: 4 inches Spread: 10 inches Sunlight: full sun A low growing carpet-like, succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; dazzling red daisy-like... 3 Add To MyWish List Table Mountain Ice Plant * Delosperma 'John Proffitt' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 2 inches Flower Height: 4 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun Low growing carpet-like, succulent, developed to be hardier than the species; dazzling fuchsia to magenta daisy-like flowers with... 4 Add To MyWish List Mesa Verde Ice Plant * Delosperma 'Mesa Verde' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 3 inches Flower Height: 5 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun Low growing carpet-like, succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; lovely salmon daisy-like flowers... 5 Add To MyWish List Wheels of Wonder™ Violet Wonder Ice Plant - New For 2025! Delosperma 'WOWDRW5' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 3 inches Flower Height: 4 inches Spacing: 14 inches Sunlight: full sun A low growing succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; dazzling violet daisy-like flowers with... 6 Add To MyWish List White Eyed Ice Plant * Delosperma basuticum Plant Type: perennial Height: 2 inches Spread: 8 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Low growing carpet-like succulent that may be the hardiest of the species; bright yellow daisy-like flowers cover the ground;... 7 Add To MyWish List Hardy Ice Plant * Delosperma congestum Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 2 inches Flower Height: 3 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Low growing carpet-like, succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; bright yellow daisy-like flowers... 8 Add To MyWish List Stardust Ice Plant * Delosperma floribundum 'Stardust' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 inches Flower Height: 6 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun A low growing carpet-like, succulent, native to South Africa but amazingly hardy in North America; stunning purple daisy-like... 9 Add To MyWish List Yellow Ice Plant * Delosperma nubigenum Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 1 inch Flower Height: 2 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun This unique variety forms a very low mat of succulent evergreen leaves bearing loads of small daisy-like flowers in spring; a... 10 Add To MyWish List Little Peach Bitteroot * Lewisia 'Little Peach' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 inches Flower Height: 8 inches Spread: 8 inches Sunlight: full sun Low growing and compact with beautiful peach blooms through early summer, repeating in the fall; a great perennial for the front... * Indicates "special order" plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool