Plant Finder Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 141 to 150 of 559 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page * Indicates "special order" plant 141 Add To MyWish List Beacon Apple * Malus 'Beacon' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A hardy early deep red apple, sweet and tender, good for cooking, a poor keeper; apples are high maintenance, and need a second... 142 Add To MyWish List Belle de Boskoop Apple * Malus 'Belle de Boskoop' Plant Type: tree Height: 15 feet Spread: 15 feet Sunlight: full sun A favorite all purpose apple; large greenish-yellow fruit with a red blush; apples are high maintenance, and need a second... 143 Add To MyWish List Braeburn Apple * Malus 'Braeburn' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A "heritage" classic, deep red apple with a unique sweet-tart flavor, late harvest; eating apples are high maintenance and need a... 144 Add To MyWish List Carlos Queen Apple * Malus 'Carlos Queen' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A very hardy and popular green apple with a dull red blush, that is large and keeps well; eating apples are high maintenance and... 145 Add To MyWish List Chehalis Apple * Malus 'Chehalis' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A large yellow-green apple that is great for eating and sauces; apples are high maintenance, and need a second pollinator; this... 146 Add To MyWish List Connell Red Apple * Malus 'Connell Red' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A hardy dark red apple with a sweet, delicious flavor, late harvest; eating apples are high maintenance and need a second... 147 Add To MyWish List Cortland Apple * Malus 'Cortland' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun A popular red-striped apple with excellent flavor, keeps very well, late harvest; eating apples are high maintenance and need a... 148 Add To MyWish List Cox's Orange Pippin Apple * Malus 'Cox's Orange Pippin' Plant Type: tree Height: 24 feet Spread: 30 feet Sunlight: full sun A golden yellow apple with tints of orangey-red, and some brown russeting; juicy, sweet, and flavorsome; needs a second... 149 Add To MyWish List Dexter Jackson Dwarf Apple * Malus 'Dexter Jackson' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: full sun Flowering tree with edible amber colored apples that are streaked with red; apples are good for eating fresh, cooking, storage;... 150 Add To MyWish List Dolgo Apple * Malus 'Dolgo' Plant Type: tree Height: 35 feet Spread: 30 feet Sunlight: full sun The perfect combination of accent and fruit tree, ideal for home landscapes, needs well-drained soil and full sun; very hardy red... * Indicates "special order" plant << 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool